Role of Parents and Staff

Staffing Information

All Two-Way Bilingual Immersion instructors are credentialed bilingual teachers with native-like fluency in Spanish. Resource teachers and instructional aides also provide support. Teachers attend yearly bilingual and two-way immersion conferences specifically geared to assist second-language instructors. These conferences allow our teachers to learn about the latest research on second-language acquisition techniques. Teachers also review the most recent resources available for second-language learners.

Parent Participation:
Parent involvement is an integral part of any Two Way Immersion program because these programs are not only part of schools, they are also part of a bilingual community!

Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom and at the school. They are also encouraged to work with their children on language skills at home, such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 

Meetings are held to help parents learn about the second language acquisition process and teach them how to support their children’s second language abilities as they increase.

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